Dani Lagi Presents, Leave me speak

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Dani Lagi presenta, Déjame hablar Sunday 16 October 2016
Hour 20:30h 

Dani Lagi presents us his show “Leave me speak”, a show 100% Stand Up American, since it combines monologue with improvisations, music in direct and a hundred of famous characters that give date in this show. Lagi Is known also by his canal of cinema and humour Strip Marvel TV. 

Dani Lagi Is one of the Catalan comics with more experience of the national panorama, known by his apparitions in Antena3 and his videos of humour. The most known is the viral "SPANISH FICTION" with more than 1 million of visits in the last 3 months. Dani Presents us his last show "Leave me Speak" , appointed by several comics like a show 100% Stand Up Comedy American. Monologue with improvisations, music in direct, and a hundred of famous characters give date in this show. No you lose it to you!

Spend and they laugh. 

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